Carpenter Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow Jackets

At our pest management company, we specialize in providing safe and efficient solutions for Carpenter Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow Jackets. Our team of experts uses the latest methods and equipment to effectively treat these stinging insects, ensuring your outdoor space is free from their nuisance and threat. Contact us today for a free quote and to learn more about our services. Let us help you enjoy your outdoor space without the worry of stinging insects

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Carpenter Bees, Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets - Stinging Insects

We treat all types of bees and wasps, including:

  • Yellow Jackets
    • Nest site treatments and/or removal
  • Hornets
    • Treatment application to gray ball nest including physical removal
  • Carpenter Bees
    • Preventive surface spraying to deter carpenter bees from drilling holes
    • Individual treatment and plugging of holes and/or galleries to reduce or eliminate reinfestation and bee emergence in the following year
  • Paper Wasps
    • Preventive sprays to deter wasps from building nests and surface applications to kill already established wasp nests
  • Bumble Bees
    • Individual treatment of bumblebee nests
  • Honey Bees
    • We always recommend that honeybees try to be removed by a beekeeper, but in certain instances we can eliminates the colony
  • And also many others!


We can treat nests of stinging insects during daylight hours due to the safety gear our technicians use. Nest removal is included in the cost (depending on location and accessibility).

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Wasp, Yellow Jacket, and Bee Facts:

  • Only female yellow jackets have stingers. This is because males need to mate.
    Wasps undergo an annual cycle. Only queens that have mated in the fall survive. They spend the winter in protected places such as under bark, stones, and shingles.
  • Male Carpenter Bees also have no stinger. The female does, but it is rarely used.
  • Carpenter Bees bore into wood to make galleries in which they lay their eggs.
  • Yellow Jackets are capable of inflicting multiple stings, unlike honey bees, which can only sting once before it will die.
  • Bald-faced hornets and Yellow Jackets both can build aerial nests on homes, structures, and in trees.
  • Wasps will build nests in attics, barns, boat houses, garages, sheds, and other places where they are not likely to be disturbed. (Source: National Pest Management Assoc.


Note: Our company and our technicians are supporters of the Pollinator Partnership and Pollinator Health. Through education of consumers, promotion of pollinator-friendly plants, safe pesticide application, and following best-practice policies, we want to preserve pollinating bees and insects to keep our plants and crops healthy and bountiful. More information on pollinators can be found by following the links below.