Summer Special Discount!
Yellow Jackets, Hornets & Bees!
Thank you for visiting Environmental Pest Management! We are pleased to offer a special discount for Indiana Gazette readers and Facebook visitors!
Get $10.00* off your treatment and removal (if needed) of a Hornet or Yellow Jacket nest!
* One coupon per person, per service. EPM reserves the right to limit coupon use. Must mention discount when scheduling service.
Save yourself the time, a possible hospital visit, and don’t risk the danger! Let the professionals at Environmental Pest Management treat and remove the nest from your home or business!
Our Treatment Procedures:
We generally use an insecticide dust to treat the yellow jacket and hornet nests, but in some instances we use a specific spray to eliminate the nest.
For yellow jacket nests in the ground, in voids, or in cracks of a structure, it is typically a one-time treatment. For gray ball hornet or yellow jacket nests, we typically treat the nest and then remove it the following day.
**CAUTION:** We do NOT recommend using an over-the-counter “bee” spray in a can for nests in a crack or void on a structure. The material in these products tend to force the yellow jackets inside, which can cause a larger problem – stinging yellow jackets in the living area inside.
Call us first, it will save you time, money, and the aggravation of dealing with a dangerous nest.
We have been serving Indiana County since 1974!